For a long time I thought nothing was more powerful than a photo to hold memories. I love my photo albums. I love holding them. But one day, the stills became motions, the stories I was able to tell were taking a new dimension. There were sounds, touch and emotions felt in a whole new way. The memories became more powerful, more tangible. Being able to live those moments over and over again is a gift I wish I had been able to give myself for my own births. 


Your Birth in Motion

Birth Videography packages start at $600 for a Fresh 48h session.

Please contact me for a complete list of all my packages and prices.


As I became obsessed with films, I discovered a passion for editing and threading images together to tell a story.


You Film - I Edit

You're a videographer overwhelmed by the time you spend editing or you simply want to focus more on the filming side of your work and are looking to outsource the editing part of it.

Please contact me and let's talk about your project. Let me help you tell a story according to your vision/your client's desire.